Teaching Staff

Suggested for: Middle Leaders
While the focus is middle leaders, this training is more effective with all staff present and is formative for all.

Lead by: School Improvement Team

Duration: 90 minutes

Format: In person

This CPD trains middle leaders in the use and application of the School Improvement Framework in order to:

  • Celebrate strengths
  • Diagnose challenges
  • Identify steps for improvement

This simple session will shine a light on a very simple, efficient, and effective approach to subject level evaluation that will:

  • Draw teachers together in meaningful conversation
  • Replaces burdensome self-evaluation

Ensures whole school evaluation through the SIF is distributed to the leaders responsible.

You can register your interest for this course by completing our on line form.

Suggested for: Subject leaders and SLT

Lead by: School Improvement Team

Duration: 2x half days

Format: In person

This training focuses on developing the skills of leaders in carrying out the bread-and-butter tasks associated with monitoring subjects:

  • Evaluating schemes of learning
  • Lesson visits
  • Work scrutiny
  • Teacher and pupil voice

A very practical programme, this CPD will include guided lesson visits and modelling of approaches to all aspects of subject monitoring using the evidence base in your school.

You can register your interest for this course by completing our on line form.

What will the courses cover:

This programme has been designed to follow strands that apply to every level of leadership, but demand habits that change depending on the nature of the role and the nature of the teams we lead.  The core components include:

  • Establishing culture, vision and values

  • Developing distributed leadership and a high performing team

  • Leading curriculum improvement

  • Leading improvement in teaching and assessment

  • Leading improvement behaviour and attitudes

  • The leadership of monitoring and evaluation

  • Highly effective team meetings and line management

  • Taking the next step: interview and application support


What is different about this course?

  • The course will be rooted in Catholic leadership principles. 

  • Focused on developing excellent habits that you can apply immediately

  • A blend of online sessions and live activities in schools


How will this help your career progression?

  • Certification following completion of this course will be highly valued by schools across the Trust, enhancing opportunities for progression.

  • Accreditation following completion of this course will take place over a 2-year period.  Your Headteacher and a member of the Trust team will validate your learning across the components of the course.


Application process:
To register your interest in this course, please complete the form here.  Once we have received your expression of interest, you will be asked to complete a short application and secure the support of your headteacher.

What will the courses cover:

This programme has been designed to follow strands that apply to every level of leadership, but demand habits that change depending on the nature of the role and the nature of the teams we lead.  The core components include:

  • Establishing culture, vision and values

  • Developing distributed leadership and a high performing team

  • Leading curriculum improvement

  • Leading improvement in teaching and assessment

  • Leading improvement behaviour and attitudes

  • The leadership of monitoring and evaluation

  • Highly effective team meetings and line management

  • Taking the next step: interview and application support


What is different about this course?

  • The course will be rooted in Catholic leadership principles. 

  • Focused on developing excellent habits that you can apply immediately

  • A blend of online sessions and live activities in schools


How will this help your career progression?

  • Certification following completion of this course will be highly valued by schools across the Trust, enhancing opportunities for progression.

  • Accreditation following completion of this course will take place over a 2-year period.  Your Headteacher and a member of the Trust team will validate your learning across the components of the course.


Application process:
To register your interest in this course, please complete the form here.  Once we have received your expression of interest, you will be asked to complete a short application and secure the support of your headteacher.

This programme is aimed at those preparing for Headship.  The programme will be designed around the individual with the intention of creating opportunities to develop a breadth of experience and deepen knowledge in key areas of operation.  The programme will include:

  • 3 days shadowing across other school settings

  • 2 days shadowing leaders involved in Quality Review

  • Governance training and shadowing

  • Budget and finance training

  • Estates and IT strategy training

  • Letter and interview preparation


Application process:
This programme is suitable for leaders who have already completed the NPQH and are seeking to apply for Headship in the next 12 – 24 months.  For more details and to register your interest, please click here.  You will be required to secure the support of your Headteacher and submit a short application to determine suitability and access this course.

National Professional Qualifications (NPQs) are flexible professional development courses for teachers and leaders to improve skills, progress careers and deliver improved outcomes for schools. They are accessible from several different providers, and you can access this information here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/apply-for-a-national-professional-qualification-npq

There are 3 groups of NPQs:

The following NPQs are funded by the DfE for all schools:

  • leading primary mathematics

  • special educational needs coordinator (SENDCo)

  • headship (NPQH)

Applications: Direct to the NPQ provider.

The following Leadership Apprenticeship NPQs are funded through the St Thomas Trust apprenticeship levy:

These apprenticeship programmes help participants implement the learning of the NPQ in more practical ways and the fees are covered by the Apprenticeship Levy.

  • School Leaders’ Apprenticeship

  • Headteacher Apprenticeship

  • Executive Leaders Apprenticeship

Please complete an expression of interest here to confirm access to funding before completing the application to the provider.  A member of the Trust central team will support access to the Apprenticeship Levy to fund these courses.  You will require the support of your Headteacher to access these courses.

The following NPQs are also available but are subject to school funded fees for schools outside Luton that are not in the DfE priority area:

If you are interested in studying one of these NPQs, then you are advised to speak with both your line manager and headteacher.  

Applications: Direct to your chosen provider.

Unlocking the leader in you 

Senior Leadership is so much more than knowing how to do things.  Knowing why things are done and knowing what to do in a million different scenarios is so much more than a technical playbook.  To become excellent in senior leadership requires an understanding of self, an understanding of the principles that underpin decision making, and an ability to establish a compelling vision that inspires.  This course will unlock your thinking as a senior leader in new and exciting ways. 

Why Choose This Programme? 

Tailored Learning Journey 

  • Combine independent learning, mentoring, executive coaching and practical experiences to suit your unique context and goals. 

Holistic Development Approach 

  • Develop a deep understanding of the ways in which our faith context permeates and strengthens our decision-making 

Practical understanding 

  • Gain expert whole school knowledge in areas such as data informed decisions, timetabling for excellence, curriculum led financial planning, governance.  


Programme Features 

  • Face-to-Face Sessions: Engage in interactive workshops that connect theory to practice and foster rich discussion and networking opportunities. 
  • Remote Learning Modules: Extend and embed learning through online sessions (meeting together in local area groups where possible), drawing on relationships established in face-to-face sessions 
  • Coaching and mentoring: Reflect, share, and grow through coaching sessions that facilitate time to think and reflect, maximising your progress and confidence. 


What You’ll Achieve 

  • Enhanced awareness of principles of senior leadership and their application in senior roles 
  • The confidence required for whole school leadership, with the ability to meet the demands of the role 
  • Knowledge and skill required in key areas of whole school leadership 


Programme Structure 

  • Duration: 20 weeks (suggested time commitment of approx. 1 hour per week, but will directly support your role in school) 
  • Components: 
  • 6 core learning modules and 5 school-based experiences visiting best practice leaders 
  • Core development project 
  • Executive coaching and personal mentor  


Who Should Apply? How to Apply 

This programme is ideal for senior leaders or aspiring senior leaders. Spaces on this course for our first cohort will be limited. Please ensure that you have the support of your Headteacher in your application for this course. To apply please contact Ellen Barnaville at ebarnaville@stcat.co.uk to express your interest by February 28th, 2025. 

Inspire. Lead. Transform.

Are you ready to take your leadership skills to the next level? The LEADERSHIP ESSENTIALS Programme is designed to equip middle, subject, and senior leaders with the tools, insights, and confidence to lead meaningful and evidence-informed change within their schools.

Why Choose This Programme?

1. Tailored Learning Journey

· Combine independent learning, collaborative coaching, and practical application to suit your unique context and goals.

· Access cutting-edge research and evidence-based strategies that underpin effective decision making.


2. Holistic Development Approach

· Gain expert knowledge in areas such as curriculum design, adaptive practice, and assessment for impact.

· Reflect on and align leadership actions with values and principles, supporting authentic leadership.


3. Practical Application Through School-Based Projects

· Design and implement focused, evidence-informed projects to address priorities in your school.

· Monitor, evaluate, and refine your strategies for sustainable and impactful improvement.


Programme Features

· Face-to-Face Sessions: Engage in interactive workshops that connect theory to practice and foster rich discussion and networking opportunities.

· Remote Learning Modules: Flexible, self-paced learning exploring the knowledge and evidence needed to make informed leadership decisions, including curriculum design, teaching & learning and assessment.

· Group and Individual Coaching: Reflect, share, and grow through tailored coaching sessions that facilitate time to think and reflect, maximising your progress and confidence.


What You’ll Achieve

· Enhanced leadership skills to drive confident improvement across departments or schools.

· A clear framework to measure the impact of your initiatives.

· The confidence and insight to lead with purpose and adaptability and deal with challenges along the way.


Programme Structure:

· Duration: 25 weeks (suggested time commitment of approx. 1 hour per week, but will directly support your role in school)


· 9 core learning modules (5 remote and 4 face-to-face)

· School-based project with tailored support

· Online group and 1:1 coaching


Who Should Apply? How to Apply

This programme is ideal for middle leaders, subject leaders, or senior leaders aspiring to deepen their impact and advance their leadership career progression. Spaces on this course for our first cohort will be limited. Please ensure that you have the support of your Headteacher in your application for this course. To apply please contact Ellen Barnaville at ebarnaville@stcat.co.uk to express your interest by February 28th 2025.