
“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me” (Mt 25:40). The belief that Christ is present in every person we meet is a belief that is fundamental to all that we strive to achieve as a community of schools.  

Our schools must always be places where those who are most vulnerable are met with the greatest compassion and a fierce determination to challenge those things that stand in the way of each person being “fully alive”. For children in our school to flourish, they must have every need met, such that the child who is without love is loved; the child without joy is brought to happiness; the child who cannot learn due to the trauma in their lives is brought to wisdom.  

We will unlock the potential of each child to truly delight in their God-given gifts. It is a process that requires great love, great compassion, and great understanding, recognising that the lives we support are fragile and the consequences of our actions profound 

Our full Safeguarding Policy is available on our Policies pages page 

The #WakeUpWednesday guide (produced by the National College) contains some valuable pointers for supporting children to deal with upsetting content they’ve encountered online – whether that’s the attacks in Israel, ongoing worries over the environment, or something else entirely. Its tips will assist trusted adults in helping young people to process any negative emotions that they may be feeling.  The latest version is available to download below:

Wake Up Wednesday 29th January.

If you have missed an edition of Wake Up Wednesday, they are available to download here.

Report Harmful Content icon

All of our school websites support the Report Harmful Content initiative, and promote access to it through links on our websites.


Michelle Chappelle Strategic Leader Inclusion

Within our Trust Michelle Chappell is the Strategic Leader of Inclusion, and therefore looks after all areas of Safeguarding within our Trust.  If you would like any more information about Safeguarding at any of our schools, Michelle can be emailed on

Useful Resources:



